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Galería de Minerales FMF

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This 5 cm wide sample with corroded galenite crystals is from Freiberg too but not that old as the above shown dolomite. It comes from a little new find at the Rote Grube in the very "city center" of Freiberg. The find contained I think some ten specimens and the sample looks forward to become a classic rarity one day. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

This 5 cm wide sample with corroded galenite crystals is from Freiberg too but not that old as the above shown dolomite. It comes from a little new find at the Rote Grube in the very "city center" of Freiberg. The find contained I think some ten specimens and the sample looks forward to become a classic rarity one day. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Dimensiones: 600 x 450
Tamaño fichero: 35.41 kbytes
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