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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Kabuland, Iveland, Norway
14 x 11 x 9 mm
A silicate of the rare element scandium
Found in 1989 by Frode Andersen.
Brought in June 1991 at the Koppaberg show (Sweden), an amazing event in the middle of a forest. (Author: kakov)

Kabuland, Iveland, Norway
14 x 11 x 9 mm
A silicate of the rare element scandium
Found in 1989 by Frode Andersen.
Brought in June 1991 at the Koppaberg show (Sweden), an amazing event in the middle of a forest. (Author: kakov)

Dimensiones: 1435 x 1215
Tamaño fichero: 392.91 kbytes
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