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Twinned calcite crystal on fluorite
Longstone Edge, Derbyshire, England, UK
Calcite twin ~ 10 mm long. Collected 22/08/1998 from a limestone boulder at the side of the access road leading to the then active workings on the Bow and Deep Rake veins. (Author: Andy Lawton)

Twinned calcite crystal on fluorite
Longstone Edge, Derbyshire, England, UK
Calcite twin ~ 10 mm long. Collected 22/08/1998 from a limestone boulder at the side of the access road leading to the then active workings on the Bow and Deep Rake veins. (Author: Andy Lawton)

Dimensiones: 750 x 750
Tamaño fichero: 92.84 kbytes
Modelo cámara:  
Velocidad obturador:  
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