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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Ullmannite, siderite
Silberquelle mine, Obersdorf, Siegerland, Germany.
7 x 4,5 cm
So-called "kallilite" (admixture with millerite and hauchecornite) from the type locality. With Bergakademie Freiberg label. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Ullmannite, siderite
Silberquelle mine, Obersdorf, Siegerland, Germany.
7 x 4,5 cm
So-called "kallilite" (admixture with millerite and hauchecornite) from the type locality. With Bergakademie Freiberg label. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Dimensiones: 622 x 467
Tamaño fichero: 39.24 kbytes
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