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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
FOV 4cm x 3cm
Hemispherical aggregates of radiating thomsonite crystals, a typical habit for this zeolite minerals in the Tertiary basalts. There is a little associated gyrolite - a non-zeolite mineral.
Self-collected 1996 (Author: Mike Wood)

Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
FOV 4cm x 3cm
Hemispherical aggregates of radiating thomsonite crystals, a typical habit for this zeolite minerals in the Tertiary basalts. There is a little associated gyrolite - a non-zeolite mineral.
Self-collected 1996 (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 63.98 kbytes
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