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Kidney-like malachite from St. Johannis mine, Plauen-Thiergarten, Voigtland, Saxony. Picture width 9 cm. These samples still can be found today at the small dumps of this ancient copper mine. At first unknown Thiergarten malachites get more and more popular. However, malachite crystals are as rare as the azurite pieces from this locality. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Kidney-like malachite from St. Johannis mine, Plauen-Thiergarten, Voigtland, Saxony. Picture width 9 cm. These samples still can be found today at the small dumps of this ancient copper mine. At first unknown Thiergarten malachites get more and more popular. However, malachite crystals are as rare as the azurite pieces from this locality. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Dimensiones: 600 x 450
Tamaño fichero: 42.82 kbytes
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