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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Green tourmaline with so unusual crystals shape -  crystals with splited caps,  Darra-i-Pech (Darra-e-Pech) Pegmatite Field, Nangarhar (Ningarhar) Province, Afghanistan

Size 90 x 45 x 63 mm (Author: olelukoe)

Green tourmaline with so unusual crystals shape - crystals with splited caps, Darra-i-Pech (Darra-e-Pech) Pegmatite Field, Nangarhar (Ningarhar) Province, Afghanistan

Size 90 x 45 x 63 mm (Author: olelukoe)

Dimensiones: 600 x 450
Tamaño fichero: 31.88 kbytes
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