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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Huanggangliang Iron Mine, Kèshíkèténg Qí, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia A.R., China
85.0 x 67.0 x 42.0 mm
Semi-lustrous, deep-purple Flourite completely covers all sides of this specimen, which consists of parallel and intergrown plates of Fluorite matrix. The Fluorite habits range from sharp, individual cubes to 5 mm, and complex clusters of crystals to 20 mm comprised of many, slightly rounded cubes. A patch of earthy, pale-purple botryoidal material provides an accent. No damage. (Author: GneissWare)

Huanggangliang Iron Mine, Kèshíkèténg Qí, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia A.R., China
85.0 x 67.0 x 42.0 mm
Semi-lustrous, deep-purple Flourite completely covers all sides of this specimen, which consists of parallel and intergrown plates of Fluorite matrix. The Fluorite habits range from sharp, individual cubes to 5 mm, and complex clusters of crystals to 20 mm comprised of many, slightly rounded cubes. A patch of earthy, pale-purple botryoidal material provides an accent. No damage. (Author: GneissWare)

Dimensiones: 750 x 667
Tamaño fichero: 92.72 kbytes
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