Acceso a Foro FMF

Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

Para acceder al hilo de FMF donde está la foto

Annabel Lee Mine, Harris Creek Sub-District, Hardin Co., Illinois
5.1 x 6.6 cm.
These calcites with distinctive sceptered terminations were recovered from the Bethel Level in 1986. There were very few since the pockets were small and they were difficult to extract in one piece. (Author: crosstimber)

Annabel Lee Mine, Harris Creek Sub-District, Hardin Co., Illinois
5.1 x 6.6 cm.
These calcites with distinctive sceptered terminations were recovered from the Bethel Level in 1986. There were very few since the pockets were small and they were difficult to extract in one piece. (Author: crosstimber)

Dimensiones: 750 x 553
Tamaño fichero: 27.75 kbytes
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