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Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

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Galena ps. after pyrrhotite
Herja Mine, Baia Mare, Maramures Romania
7.0 x 7.5 cm.
Lustrous, steel-gray, galena oriented in linear plates replacing pyrrhotite with small tan-colored siderite crystals. (Author: crosstimber)

Galena ps. after pyrrhotite
Herja Mine, Baia Mare, Maramures Romania
7.0 x 7.5 cm.
Lustrous, steel-gray, galena oriented in linear plates replacing pyrrhotite with small tan-colored siderite crystals. (Author: crosstimber)

Dimensiones: 750 x 578
Tamaño fichero: 68.15 kbytes
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