Acceso a Foro FMF

Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

Para acceder al hilo de FMF donde está la foto

Hydroboracite, gypsum
Kohnstein quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Harz mtns., Thuringia, Germany.
3,5 x 3 cm
Excellent material from a new find in 2012.  The main crystals is double terminated and more than 3 cm long. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Hydroboracite, gypsum
Kohnstein quarry, Niedersachswerfen, Harz mtns., Thuringia, Germany.
3,5 x 3 cm
Excellent material from a new find in 2012. The main crystals is double terminated and more than 3 cm long. (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Dimensiones: 565 x 625
Tamaño fichero: 31.83 kbytes
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