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Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

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Bor Pit, Dal’negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia
6.8 x 7.0 cm
A group of lustrous blocky green and yellow datolite crystals partially coated with sugary-textured fluorapophyllite.  Small axinite crystals are also present on a  small piece of matrix on the back side of the specimen. (Author: crosstimber)

Bor Pit, Dal’negorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia
6.8 x 7.0 cm
A group of lustrous blocky green and yellow datolite crystals partially coated with sugary-textured fluorapophyllite. Small axinite crystals are also present on a small piece of matrix on the back side of the specimen. (Author: crosstimber)

Dimensiones: 750 x 552
Tamaño fichero: 44.92 kbytes
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