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Galería de Minerales FMF

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White’s Level, Middlehope Shield Mine, Weardale, England
19x17x6 cm overall, largest crystal 2.5 cm.
A very large find of green fluorite specimens occurred at this mine in 1818, and is the first recorded find of specimens in the Weardale area. Specimens can still occasionally be found offered for sale, though the location is usually given incorrectly as "Heights Mine" and now "Rogerley." (Author: Jesse Fisher)

White’s Level, Middlehope Shield Mine, Weardale, England
19x17x6 cm overall, largest crystal 2.5 cm.
A very large find of green fluorite specimens occurred at this mine in 1818, and is the first recorded find of specimens in the Weardale area. Specimens can still occasionally be found offered for sale, though the location is usually given incorrectly as "Heights Mine" and now "Rogerley." (Author: Jesse Fisher)

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Tamaño fichero: 57.67 kbytes
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