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Horseflies, also known as Clegs, are nasty. They have a somewhat ’furry’ appearance, sort of dusty-grey colour. You can’t hear them flying. You can’t feel them land. If you’re quick and recognise the sensation you can swipe them off you just as they start to bite; then the bite will only itch a little ! Unlike midges these things are active in bright sunshine. They are about during the months of July and August when it’s warm. It’s best to keep moving when these are around, and keep an eye on them but they are very distracting. They are mainly living in the valleys; it is usual to have several following you as you walk. And they can bite through thin clothing !! (Author: Mike Wood)

Horseflies, also known as Clegs, are nasty. They have a somewhat ’furry’ appearance, sort of dusty-grey colour. You can’t hear them flying. You can’t feel them land. If you’re quick and recognise the sensation you can swipe them off you just as they start to bite; then the bite will only itch a little ! Unlike midges these things are active in bright sunshine. They are about during the months of July and August when it’s warm. It’s best to keep moving when these are around, and keep an eye on them but they are very distracting. They are mainly living in the valleys; it is usual to have several following you as you walk. And they can bite through thin clothing !! (Author: Mike Wood)

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