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Bornite ( ps. Chalcocite ) with Chalcocite
Flambeau Mine, near Ladysmith, Rusk County, Wisconsin, USA
85 x 74 x 64 mm

Bluish, iridescent Bornite has pseudomorphed crystals of Chalcocite to 47 x 35 x 17 mm in size make up this floater grouping with no matrix or points of attachment. Shiny black crystals of Chalcocite are sprinkled upon the specimen. This is an excellent specimen, with no damage. (Author: GneissWare)

Bornite ( ps. Chalcocite ) with Chalcocite
Flambeau Mine, near Ladysmith, Rusk County, Wisconsin, USA
85 x 74 x 64 mm

Bluish, iridescent Bornite has pseudomorphed crystals of Chalcocite to 47 x 35 x 17 mm in size make up this floater grouping with no matrix or points of attachment. Shiny black crystals of Chalcocite are sprinkled upon the specimen. This is an excellent specimen, with no damage. (Author: GneissWare)

Dimensiones: 800 x 646
Tamaño fichero: 105.33 kbytes
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