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Chkalovite, Tugtupite, Sorensenite, Analcime, Aegirine
Ilímaussaq Intrusive Complex, Narsaq, Greenland
9 x 8 x 4 cm

The piece is slightly wet and it has been irradiated with SWUV right before the shot to enhance the visibility of Tugtupite. 

This is a fragment of a hydrothermal vein with representation of typical silicates from the site; the first three are beryllium containing. 
The Tugtupite here is secondary, it is formed through transformation of Chkalovite, hence it is not very pure nor deep in color, nevertheless it is strongly fluorescent under UV (LW and SW) 
Sorensenite is the curved prisms on the border above of the big Tugtupite/Chkalovite grain. 
Analcime appears as round grains on the top, while most of the dark areas in the piece are fine needles of Aegirine. 
In the Ilímaussaq string of the Spanish FMF you can see photos of the same stone in dry state and the Tugtupite almost colorless after long time in the dark; in the same string there is also a LWUV photo of it. (Author: kakov)

Chkalovite, Tugtupite, Sorensenite, Analcime, Aegirine
Ilímaussaq Intrusive Complex, Narsaq, Greenland
9 x 8 x 4 cm

The piece is slightly wet and it has been irradiated with SWUV right before the shot to enhance the visibility of Tugtupite.

This is a fragment of a hydrothermal vein with representation of typical silicates from the site; the first three are beryllium containing.
The Tugtupite here is secondary, it is formed through transformation of Chkalovite, hence it is not very pure nor deep in color, nevertheless it is strongly fluorescent under UV (LW and SW)
Sorensenite is the curved prisms on the border above of the big Tugtupite/Chkalovite grain.
Analcime appears as round grains on the top, while most of the dark areas in the piece are fine needles of Aegirine.
In the Ilímaussaq string of the Spanish FMF you can see photos of the same stone in dry state and the Tugtupite almost colorless after long time in the dark; in the same string there is also a LWUV photo of it. (Author: kakov)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1270
Tamaño fichero: 302.66 kbytes
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