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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Helvite-Genthelvite series
Huanggang Mine #1, Chifeng Pref., Inner Mongolia AR, China
3.4 x 4.5 cm
Root beer-colored crystals of helvite-genthelvite series attached to a sceptered quartz crystal dotted with small spheres of dark green clinochlore. (Author: crosstimber)

Helvite-Genthelvite series
Huanggang Mine #1, Chifeng Pref., Inner Mongolia AR, China
3.4 x 4.5 cm
Root beer-colored crystals of helvite-genthelvite series attached to a sceptered quartz crystal dotted with small spheres of dark green clinochlore. (Author: crosstimber)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1165
Tamaño fichero: 315.32 kbytes
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