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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Another exposed quartz pocket.  Once surrounding granitics were pulled back, these pockets could be detected by gray to brown to blackish clay containing quartz shards.  Probing with wooden chopsticks was key to extracting specimens with no or little damage.  However, some pockets were totally crushed by tectonic activity prior to collector activity. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)

Another exposed quartz pocket. Once surrounding granitics were pulled back, these pockets could be detected by gray to brown to blackish clay containing quartz shards. Probing with wooden chopsticks was key to extracting specimens with no or little damage. However, some pockets were totally crushed by tectonic activity prior to collector activity. (Author: Tony L. Potucek)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1200
Tamaño fichero: 592.16 kbytes
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