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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Cavradi Gorge, Curnera Valley, Tujetsch, Grischun, Switzerland
3.0 x 4.2 cm
A small group of lustrous, bladed, metallic black hematite crystals associated with small transparent quartz crystals and epitactic rutile crystals. Collected 6-04-97 by Swiss strahler Theodosi Venzin. (Author: crosstimber)

Cavradi Gorge, Curnera Valley, Tujetsch, Grischun, Switzerland
3.0 x 4.2 cm
A small group of lustrous, bladed, metallic black hematite crystals associated with small transparent quartz crystals and epitactic rutile crystals. Collected 6-04-97 by Swiss strahler Theodosi Venzin. (Author: crosstimber)

Dimensiones: 1347 x 869
Tamaño fichero: 210.17 kbytes
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