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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Black and grey apophyllite (2 generations) from Murdockville, Quebec, Canada.  13 x 12 x 6 cm.  Has a very satiny luster and "soft texture" not evident from the photo.  Individual crystals to about 1.5 cm and are on a translcent, pale yellow calcite matrix. (Author: Tracy)

Black and grey apophyllite (2 generations) from Murdockville, Quebec, Canada. 13 x 12 x 6 cm. Has a very satiny luster and "soft texture" not evident from the photo. Individual crystals to about 1.5 cm and are on a translcent, pale yellow calcite matrix. (Author: Tracy)

Dimensiones: 600 x 580
Tamaño fichero: 83.1 kbytes
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