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Chabazite + analcime
Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
The vug measures 60 mm wide and 45mm high
Analcime crystals to 12 mm

Lovely pink twinned chabazite crystals with some analcime crystals (to 12mm). Very fresh crystals with a good degree of transparency. The vug measures 60mm wide and 45mm high. Dave MacCallum collected this in 2002, from Talisker Bay; and I exchanged it with him for a nice pink heulandite specimen from Sgurr nam Boc. (Author: Mike Wood)

Chabazite + analcime
Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
The vug measures 60 mm wide and 45mm high
Analcime crystals to 12 mm

Lovely pink twinned chabazite crystals with some analcime crystals (to 12mm). Very fresh crystals with a good degree of transparency. The vug measures 60mm wide and 45mm high. Dave MacCallum collected this in 2002, from Talisker Bay; and I exchanged it with him for a nice pink heulandite specimen from Sgurr nam Boc. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 600 x 450
Tamaño fichero: 29.3 kbytes
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