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Chabazite on analcime
Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK 
Specimen is 8 cm wide x 6 cm high x 5 cm deep
Chabazite crystals to 8 mm

Attractive combination of pinkish simple chabazite crystals to 8mm on translucent analcime crystals. Specimen is 8cm wide x 6cm high x 5cm deep. Self-collected 1990 from Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye. (Author: Mike Wood)

Chabazite on analcime
Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Specimen is 8 cm wide x 6 cm high x 5 cm deep
Chabazite crystals to 8 mm

Attractive combination of pinkish simple chabazite crystals to 8mm on translucent analcime crystals. Specimen is 8cm wide x 6cm high x 5cm deep. Self-collected 1990 from Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 600 x 450
Tamaño fichero: 23.14 kbytes
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