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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Quartz scepter, sphalerite, siderite - TOP mineral
Source: Trepča (Trepča), Republic of Kosovo
Size: 7,5  x 4,5  x 5 cm
Curiosity: A Scepter quartz is formed when another crystal has grown around a large central base crystal rod. (Author: Leon56)

Quartz scepter, sphalerite, siderite - TOP mineral
Source: Trepča (Trepča), Republic of Kosovo
Size: 7,5 x 4,5 x 5 cm
Curiosity: A Scepter quartz is formed when another crystal has grown around a large central base crystal rod. (Author: Leon56)

Dimensiones: 750 x 617
Tamaño fichero: 51.81 kbytes
Modelo cámara:  
Velocidad obturador:  
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