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Quartz with Fluorite
Huanggangliang Iron Mine, Kèshíkèténg Qí, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia A.R., China

58 x 50 x 46 mm

A slightly milky, palest green sceptered Quartz measuring 46 x 16 mm is surrounded by a halo of water-clear Fluorites to 25 mm. These Fluorites are of cuboctahedral habit with dodectahedral modifications, and is commonly seen from this Chinese locality, some faces are preferentially etched slightly. Only a very minor chip visible with a 10X loupe is present on the very tip of the Quartz, otherwise no damage. This is a nice association, very aesthetically presented. (Author: GneissWare)

Quartz with Fluorite
Huanggangliang Iron Mine, Kèshíkèténg Qí, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia A.R., China

58 x 50 x 46 mm

A slightly milky, palest green sceptered Quartz measuring 46 x 16 mm is surrounded by a halo of water-clear Fluorites to 25 mm. These Fluorites are of cuboctahedral habit with dodectahedral modifications, and is commonly seen from this Chinese locality, some faces are preferentially etched slightly. Only a very minor chip visible with a 10X loupe is present on the very tip of the Quartz, otherwise no damage. This is a nice association, very aesthetically presented. (Author: GneissWare)

Dimensiones: 750 x 684
Tamaño fichero: 51.07 kbytes
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