Acceso a Foro FMF

Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

Para acceder al hilo de FMF donde está la foto

Magnifying even more (FOV 4.3x5.7mm) and looking at one edge of the phantom, whose apex is near the top right corner of the frame, we see that the galena/sphalerite grains rest just on the outside of the phantom shape, while small fibers of metallic luster sit just below the phantom surface.
The outer top face of the Fluorite through which we’re looking is almost invisible now! If you look around a bit, you may discover one or two small blemishes on it showing up as bright dots, e.g. one near the lower right-hand edge of this frame. (Author: Gerhard Niklasch)

Magnifying even more (FOV 4.3x5.7mm) and looking at one edge of the phantom, whose apex is near the top right corner of the frame, we see that the galena/sphalerite grains rest just on the outside of the phantom shape, while small fibers of metallic luster sit just below the phantom surface.
The outer top face of the Fluorite through which we’re looking is almost invisible now! If you look around a bit, you may discover one or two small blemishes on it showing up as bright dots, e.g. one near the lower right-hand edge of this frame. (Author: Gerhard Niklasch)

Dimensiones: 600 x 396
Tamaño fichero: 39.12 kbytes
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