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Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Looking across Moonen Bay (southward). The cliffs are very steep, often with rockfall, especially when it rains. The tide cuts off access to most of the ’beach’ at the foot of the cliffs. The cliffs in the distance (Ramasaig Cliff) reach over 700’ high (230m).
Photo taken April 2005 (Author: Mike Wood)

Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Looking across Moonen Bay (southward). The cliffs are very steep, often with rockfall, especially when it rains. The tide cuts off access to most of the ’beach’ at the foot of the cliffs. The cliffs in the distance (Ramasaig Cliff) reach over 700’ high (230m).
Photo taken April 2005 (Author: Mike Wood)

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