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Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

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Beryl (var. Emerald)
Wolo, Ethiopia
2,5 x 1,2 x 1,2 cm
This emerald has very nice green color, I searched for information concerning the emerald in Ethiopia, but only little information concerning the emerald mine in this country. Please send me the information if you find some (Author: Jacquou HO)

Beryl (var. Emerald)
Wolo, Ethiopia
2,5 x 1,2 x 1,2 cm
This emerald has very nice green color, I searched for information concerning the emerald in Ethiopia, but only little information concerning the emerald mine in this country. Please send me the information if you find some (Author: Jacquou HO)

Dimensiones: 430 x 567
Tamaño fichero: 18.39 kbytes
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