Acceso a Foro FMF

Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

Para acceder al hilo de FMF donde está la foto

Rosario Mabel Claim, Pampa Blanca, Castrovirreyna Dist., Huancavelica Dept., Peru.
4.5 x 8.0 cm.
Intersecting sprays of lustrous dark green, bladed epidote crystals with chisel-shaped terminations. This locality is also sometimes known as the Flor de Peru II claim. (Author: crosstimber)

Rosario Mabel Claim, Pampa Blanca, Castrovirreyna Dist., Huancavelica Dept., Peru.
4.5 x 8.0 cm.
Intersecting sprays of lustrous dark green, bladed epidote crystals with chisel-shaped terminations. This locality is also sometimes known as the Flor de Peru II claim. (Author: crosstimber)

Dimensiones: 800 x 597
Tamaño fichero: 64.46 kbytes
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