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Beinn Mheadhoin, Cairngorm Mountains, Grampian Region, Scotland, UK
42mm x15mm
This turbid greenish beryl crystal (repaired) was found in a very localised patch of pegmatite. It was nestled in a patch of quartz and was about 4" long (10cm) but broke apart badly upon extraction. Found 1994. (Author: Mike Wood)

Beinn Mheadhoin, Cairngorm Mountains, Grampian Region, Scotland, UK
42mm x15mm
This turbid greenish beryl crystal (repaired) was found in a very localised patch of pegmatite. It was nestled in a patch of quartz and was about 4" long (10cm) but broke apart badly upon extraction. Found 1994. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 30.18 kbytes
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