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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Alabaster quarries, Fuentes de Ebro, Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain
16 x 8 cm
This is a bitter-sweet specimen for me.  I opened the pocket this was in and had what was probably my best ever collecting day.  We were collecting with permission from the local Mayor so I thought all was fine.  But then a local dealer arrived and forced me to give him all the specimens or be beaten up.  Not wanting violence I handed over the complete pocket and later had to buy this back so as to have it in my collection!  So I love it and loved finding it, but I hate the way a threat of violence was used to steal it from me and the humiliation of having to buy it back.  I am sure other collectors will understand. (Author: James)

Alabaster quarries, Fuentes de Ebro, Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain
16 x 8 cm
This is a bitter-sweet specimen for me. I opened the pocket this was in and had what was probably my best ever collecting day. We were collecting with permission from the local Mayor so I thought all was fine. But then a local dealer arrived and forced me to give him all the specimens or be beaten up. Not wanting violence I handed over the complete pocket and later had to buy this back so as to have it in my collection! So I love it and loved finding it, but I hate the way a threat of violence was used to steal it from me and the humiliation of having to buy it back. I am sure other collectors will understand. (Author: James)

Dimensiones: 800 x 550
Tamaño fichero: 45.18 kbytes
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