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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Chkalovite, Tugtupite
Ilímaussaq Intrusive Complex, Narsaq, Greenland
(section 10 x 4 cm)
Side view of the previous piece. 
This capture shows the typical appearance of the beryllium silicate Chkalovite: it has a luster somewhat similar to fresh cheese. (Author: kakov)

Chkalovite, Tugtupite
Ilímaussaq Intrusive Complex, Narsaq, Greenland
(section 10 x 4 cm)
Side view of the previous piece.
This capture shows the typical appearance of the beryllium silicate Chkalovite: it has a luster somewhat similar to fresh cheese. (Author: kakov)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 726
Tamaño fichero: 145.18 kbytes
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