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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Kola Peninsula, Rusia
9 x 6 x 4 cm
The other side of the same piece (with dark matrix) on the next photo. 

This is one of the classic minerals of alkaline sites. It looks like garnet but have a completely different composition and structure, its hardness is also considerably lower than garnet. (Author: kakov)

Kola Peninsula, Rusia
9 x 6 x 4 cm
The other side of the same piece (with dark matrix) on the next photo.

This is one of the classic minerals of alkaline sites. It looks like garnet but have a completely different composition and structure, its hardness is also considerably lower than garnet. (Author: kakov)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1063
Tamaño fichero: 305.4 kbytes
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