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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Aiguille du Moine, Mont-Blanc massif, France
10mm across (tip to tip)
A single gemmy octahedral pink fluorite crystal, almost complete but for one face cleave where it was attached it’s host rock originally.
 Found in the rubble floor of an old crystal cave dig, in 1991. (Author: Mike Wood)

Aiguille du Moine, Mont-Blanc massif, France
10mm across (tip to tip)
A single gemmy octahedral pink fluorite crystal, almost complete but for one face cleave where it was attached it’s host rock originally.
Found in the rubble floor of an old crystal cave dig, in 1991. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1363
Tamaño fichero: 203.35 kbytes
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