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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Eudialyte, Aegirine
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Canada
4,5 x 4 x 4 cm
Many of the minerals originally described from Ilímaussaq or the Kola complexes were later also reported from Mont Saint-Hilaire, although I have the impression that mostly in micros. 

I highly recommend the album of Doug Merson here in the FMF where we have many gorgeous micros from there. (Author: kakov)

Eudialyte, Aegirine
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Canada
4,5 x 4 x 4 cm
Many of the minerals originally described from Ilímaussaq or the Kola complexes were later also reported from Mont Saint-Hilaire, although I have the impression that mostly in micros.

I highly recommend the album of Doug Merson here in the FMF where we have many gorgeous micros from there. (Author: kakov)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1386
Tamaño fichero: 460.76 kbytes
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