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Quartz variety amethyst.
Brandberg Area, Erongo, Namibia
53 x 29 x 20 mm
A batch of these ’mysterious’ quartz crystals with a yellow coating that can not be removed with the usual acids and small unknown crystals, surfaced in the first few years of this century and apparently not again. (Author: Pierre Joubert)

Quartz variety amethyst.
Brandberg Area, Erongo, Namibia
53 x 29 x 20 mm
A batch of these ’mysterious’ quartz crystals with a yellow coating that can not be removed with the usual acids and small unknown crystals, surfaced in the first few years of this century and apparently not again. (Author: Pierre Joubert)

Dimensiones: 531 x 750
Tamaño fichero: 64.29 kbytes
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